Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Always check the pockets...

So I fucked up today.  I washed clothes.  Now washing clothes in general is not a fuckupable offense.  However, when you wash your husband's Ipod; now that's fuckupable.  Yep it went through the washing machine.  Nope it no longer works.  Yes he is mad.  Some would say that it might be his fault since he did not clean out his pockets.  I might agree.  Anyway, he will get over it, I think. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Talk, Talk, Talk

Sometimes we forget to talk to our husbands.  I know I do.  My husband and I go about our day and by the time we get home we are so tired no one really wants to say anything.  This has been happening a lot lately.  I think it might just be the “summer blues”. I am making the effort to turn off the television and actually have a conversation more often.  Maybe we all should do this...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And another man on the list...

He is not on my list but once again I polled another friend.  Matthew McConaughey was at the top of her cheating list.  He is not hard on the eyes.  Just don't know what we would talk about.

This economy sucks

All we ever fight about is money and our lack thereof.  I need some good money news.  Every day is another sucky day.  Come on people, lets get it together and try to get this economy back on track  I am so tired of my husband and I fighting about it.  Just venting a little...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Another wife another list..

When talking to a friend of mine over the weekend about her list, she mentioned Channing Tatum as her main list.
Yeah I get it...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Who would you cheat with...

We all have heard about people with a list.  You know, a list of celebrities who, if given the chance, you would cheat on your spouse with.  My list would be a list of one.  I adore Justin Timberlake!  Now I don't condone cheating and I love my husband (most of the time) but if JT showed up at my door who knows what could happen.  I just saw Friends With Benefits and I must own this movie.  Love love love love him. 

My goodness he has gotten better with age...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

40 marbles or more...

I thought this was interesting.  I had lunch with a friend today and as we both were lamenting the sad state of our marriages she told me about a conversation she had with a therapist.  Apparently if you give your husband a jar filled with 40 marbles, at any point when he wants to have sex he can give you a marble.  Now once you have received the marble you have 24 hours to make good on your promise of sex. 

OK this does not sound bad but....what if your husband wants sex like 5 nights in a row?  Can you veto at any point.  Plus does he just hand you the marble at breakfast or does he leave it hidden in different places around the house.Oh and what happens if you run out of marbles in like June, no more sex for the year?

Its an interesting thought and idea, I am just not sure that this would work in our house.  Something to think about though.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tivo Mom: August 1 - Here we go....

As I was perusing my friend, David Dust 's blog yesterday I noticed that he had a link on his page for My Fitness Pal . So I checked it ou..."