Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I have fears...

I always say that my biggest fear is that my husband will leave me for a young, tall, blond with big boobs (OK its not really but this is the exact opposite of me).  I am neurotic about being made a fool of, and I know this but my husband does not help with his "I don't give a shit attitude".  So I look at his phone and read his facebook stuff.  I know, I know trust is important and I know that my husband would never really cheat on me.  But (and this is a big but), we know too many people who it has happened to and people that you never would have expected.  Anyway, when I looked at his phone last week he had erased his call logs and of course my brain went all over the place.  I could not sleep and I just let my imagination run away with me.  Anyway, has anyone else ever had these fears?  Or has this happened to anyone?  By the way, the husband's phone was full and he erased his call logs.  He knows I check his phone so I assume that he thought nothing of it.  I guess. 

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